Prosperous living is the result of following natural and spiritual laws. Everyone at some point begins to seek a better, more fulfilling and abundant life. The desire to move from lack, worry, stress and the struggle of living in 'not enough' stirs us up to seek out a better life for ourselves and those around us.
With the search for a prosperous life also comes the realization that we are not able to make it happen on our own. We are simply limited in our human abilities. And because of our limitations we only get limited results.
There is, however, One who has unlimited abilities. Nothing is impossible with God. And when we seek to touch the heart of God, we soon find we also unlock the door to the abundance of God.
The Key to God's Heart
Once you discover the key to God's heart, you also discover how to manifest supernatural abundance in your life. Every believer can earn the key to God's heart through demonstrating obedience to His Word.
"I was born to adore and obey." C.S. Lewis Are you with me still? Just the mention of obedience tends to cause many to turn and settle back into their 'land of not enough' rather than make the necessary adjustments for positive change.
Glad to see you are not one of those, since you are still here!
When we have the key to someone's heart we know how to reach what is inside. Some people think the key to God's heart is love, faith, or service. But the real key is obedience.
Even Jesus said "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our abode with him." (John 14:23) Jesus is speaking of the important principle in our relationship with God: obedience.
The Rewards of Obedience
God's demand for obedience is based on His commitment to our well-being.
"Blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall hearken to the voice of the Lord your God." - Deuteronomy 28:2 Nothing thrills a parent better than obedience from their children, and the same is especially true with our Father in Heaven. Every believer should make obedience a priority in their life.
The key to God's heart is simply following His principles. As we submit to the Word of God it brings honor and glory to Him and proves our devotion and love for Him. This also opens the door to unlimited, abundant supply.
Our obedient actions speak louder than words; especially to God. I'm sure you can think of times that you have obeyed and disobeyed. One of the main reasons people choose not to obey is out of fear. Ask God to show you how to follow and obey Him without restraint.
Some Christians have a difficult time with the concept of being rewarded for Christ-like behavior. They either believe rewards only come in eternity or they feel they do not deserve anything. But God promised we will receive rewards in heaven and we can receive them on earth.
Of course, we should not obey solely for reward. Instead, we should please God and obey Him because of who He is as God the Father and Creator of all things.
The fact of the matter is: When we obey God we will prosper and tap into supernatural abundance. Blessings follow obedience. When we obey God, it allows Him the privilege of demonstrating His awesome power in our lives. Our obedience allows God to bless others through us. But that being said, the greatest reward we can attain is His love and favor.
May you live a life of obedience to God and experience abundant growing prosperity!
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B.K. Smith seeks to provide resources to help you prosper in all areas of life - including your spiri

t, soul, body, finances, and relationships.
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